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Life For Orphan (LFO)


Life For Orphan (LFO) is a sub-organization of Rehmat.e.Insaniyyat (RIF) Malkwal, working autonomously in Tehsil Kotmomin for the education, welfare and fosterage of the orphans and widows.

Founder: Malik Kamran Qayyum

At present, working as a Head of Chemistry Department at Superior College of Commerce Kotmomin. He is connected with the teaching field since last 10 years. He initiated the LFO wing of RIF, with a vision to educate those kids who are being neglected and force to work on hotels, shops and workshops.

Waqas Nazir President

Waqas Nazir, a native of Kotmomin city and a teacher by profession, committed to his job as a Principal of LIFE SCHOOL SYSYTEM. He has been serving as a senior high school teacher in private sector since 2006.

LFO is in want to educate 10000 orphans, leading to stand do their families as bread-earners.
There is almost a number of 150 students are getting education under LIFE FOR ORPHAN. From them, 35 students are at college and university levels. 60 students are getting full-day quality education and nurturing in LIFE SCHOOL SYSTEM along with free transport facilities within the city. Almost 55 students are securing education in their respective school in sub-urban areas like Bhabra, Hujjan and Mateela. Apart from bearing academic expenditures, LFO provides monthly stipends to the affected families there.


=> Recently, LIFE FOR ORPHAN launched their own school namely, LIFE SCHOOL SYSTEM in Kotmomin.

=> Last month, LFO took a step for the widows and inaugurated a stitching centre namely LIFE STITCHING CENTRE.

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